
2 words game

On 09/09/2022 0

In 2 words game


Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Little Factory!

Little Factory, first released as Goods Maker, is a resource management and building construction card game for 2-4 players with a playtime of approximately 30 minutes.

 Players increase their assets by processing resources into other resources, such as processing wood into wood or charcoal, or processing charcoal and flour into bread.

If you increase your assets, you can build a building and use that building to acquire resources and victory points faster.

The more buildings players construct, the more actions are available in subsequent turns.

In turn, players perform one of two actions:

Production: choose a resource card or a building card in the production action area and gain the item indicated there; Where,

 Trade: Discard resource cards from your hand to acquire resource or building cards of the same value or less from the available cards.

Additionally, players may use the effects of each building they own once per turn (including the turn in which they were acquired).  

An example of a building effect is: exchanging a thread card in hand for an available cloth in the playing area.

 Chain cards, buildings and actions together to create more victory points.

The player who collects more than 10 victory points first wins!

Check out the game description and video below.

Good day and good game ;)




2 words game joue vaison

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