
2 words game Splendor

On 27/01/2023 0

In 2 words game


Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Splendor!


Splendor is a token collection and card development game.

Players are Renaissance merchants trying to buy gem mines, means of transport, shops, all with the aim of acquiring the most prestige points.

If you're rich enough, you might even be visited by a noble at some point, which of course will further increase your prestige.

On your turn, you can (1) collect tokens (gems), or (2) buy and build a map, or (3) reserve a map.

If you collect tokens, you take either three different types of tokens or two tokens of the same type.

If you buy a card, you pay its price in tokens and add it to your play area.

To reserve a card - to make sure you get it, or, why not, your opponents don't - you place it face down in front of you for later construction; it costs you a turn, but you also get gold in the form of a wild token, which you can use like any gem.

Any cards you buy increase your wealth as they give you a permanent gem bonus for subsequent purchases; some cards also give you prestige points. To win the game, you must reach 15 prestige points before your opponents.

Good day and good game ;)




2 words game joue

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