
2 words game Grail

On 10/02/2023 0

In 2 words game


Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about the Grail!


"Graal" is a discard game that is played over four rounds.

During the first three rounds, players attempt to win quests by playing cards from their hand one at a time and using the powers of their Legendary card.

To play a card, it must match the color or symbol of the card in play.

Some cards allow you to play again, draw a player, block a player, etc.

The first player to run out of cards wins the round and the quest card in play.

At any time during the game, if a player plays the Grail card, he can win the game instantly, if he manages to play it as his last card.

If you reach the fourth round, the Tournament, then the players compete until the last survivor: the player who has no more cards in his hand chooses the player to eliminate and takes his deck, until he only one remains.

A fun game with friends and family with accessible mechanics and twists and thrills guaranteed!

Good day and good game ;)




2 words game joue

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