
2 words game Hanafuda koi koi

On 07/07/2023 0

In 2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Hanafuda Koi Koi!

Develop your floral strategies in 40 minutes as a duo, based on seasonal flowers and combos.

A traditional Japanese two-player card game played with the beautiful Hanafuda (literally "flower card") deck. Setup: the cards are all shuffled, and a card is randomly revealed: the player whose birthday month is closest to the month of the revealed card is the first player and therefore the dealer.

The cards are again shuffled and dealt, two by two, to the two players, as for the greenhouse visible in the middle of the table. Turn: Next, each player proceeds as follows: first, they discard a card face up on the table from their hand. If this card corresponds to another card on the table (corresponding months), the player then wins the two cards that he places in his collection face up, in front of him. The collection is always displayed in 4 columns, as follows: Flowers, Ribbons, Animals and Specials.

If it does not match anything, the discarded card remains on the table. Second, whether it matches or not, the player then draws the top card from the deck face down and proceeds in the same way: if it does not match any card, the drawn card remains on the table, but if it matches a card , the player wins the two cards that he adds to his collection. Then the other player takes his turn.

End of turn: At the end of a player's turn, if he has Yakus, he can stop the current month (round) by indicating his Yakus, then the points are scored and the next month begins. However, if he wishes to continue in order to increase his score for that month, he says "Koi-Koi" and the other player takes his turn. If later in the game, the player who said Koi-Koi wins another Yaku OR increases his previous Yakus, then he can stop the game again or say Koi-Koi, as many times as he wants. But if a player gets a Yaku in a game where his opponent has already said Koi-Koi, then he has the right either to say Koi-Koi too or to stop the game and receive his points, thus causing his opponent to get no points at all this month.

End: Since each player has 8 cards in hand, a month (round) can at worst last 16 turns. In the case of a game where one (or both) player(s) said Koi-Koi and no other Yakus were added or increased before the end of the month, then only the last player who said Koi- Koi scores his points as usual. The winner of one month becomes the croupier of the following month, or remains the same if there was no winner.

But if a player gets a Yaku in a game where his opponent has already said Koi-Koi, then he has the right either to say Koi-Koi too or to stop the game and receive his points, thus causing his opponent to get no points. at all this month. Each Yaku can be added to the others.

Here are the Yakus:

Basic Yakus 10 Flowers / Kasu: 1 point (Each additional Flower earns 1 point) 5 Ribbons / Tanzaku: 1 point (Each additional Ribbon earns 1 point) 3 Purple (blue) Ribbons / Aotan: 5 points 3 Ribbons with Poems (red) / Akatan: 5 points 5 Animals / Tane: 1 Point (Each additional Animal earns 1 point) Deer + Boar + Butterflies / Ino Shika Chô: 5 Points 3 Specials without Rain Man / Sankô: 5 Points 4 Specials with the Rain Man / Ameshikô: 6 points 4 Special without the Rain Man / Shikô: 8 Points 5 Specials: Gokô: 10 points Special Yakus The Moon + The Sake Cup / Tsukizake: 5 points (Bonus Yaku, only in addition to at least another normal Yaku) The Cherry Curtain + The Saké / Hanamizake Cup: 5 points (Bonus Yaku, only in addition to at least one other normal Yaku) The Iris Flower is a "Joker" card: it can either be counted as an Animal or as a Flower to form a Kasu (but not both). The 4 Cards of the Current Month / TsukiFuda: 5 points No Yakus / OyaKen: 1 point The game ends when a player reaches 50 points.

In some variants, at the end of a month, the points scored by a player are subtracted from his opponent's score.

In some variants, the player with the most points at the end of the year (December) wins the game.

Good day and good game ;)



2 words game joue

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