
2 words game

On 19/07/2024 0

In 2 words game

Hello everyone!

Today we’re going to talk about The Diary of a Wimpy Kid!

Be the first to complete the challenges within the time limit, from 2 to 6 players from 20 to 40 minutes from 8 years old!

Ready, set… Hurry!

Greg and his friends challenge you, each one faster and funnier than the last!

The game “Diary of a Wimpy Kid; 10 second challenge” includes everything you need to deflate your best friends.

It's not that the challenges are difficult (okay, some are), but you'll need luck and skill to complete them in less than 10 seconds.

There are ball challenges, cube challenges, intellectual challenges and challenges that sometimes literally bring you closer to your opponents!

Move forward on the board each time you complete a challenge. It's much more fun than letting others overtake you!

Things will get tougher when, with the dice and the ball on your head, you will have to kneel down and name 8 teachers, types of ice cream or breeds of dog at the same time.

The game board tells you the actions you must perform and if you progress quickly, your life will not be that of a loser, but of a glorious victor.

There are 3 categories of challenges: solo, categories and two players. Will you be the champion or the loser?

Choose one of six characters to move, place them at the start, and let the race begin! Players take turns rolling the die and moving around the game board, taking on challenges as they arise.

Each round, players draw a challenge card and determine whether they will accept the challenge or pass it on to the next player. Challenges can be solo, category-based, or two-player. Successfully pass a card to advance as instructed, but fail and you will have to move back one space.

The last four squares on the game board are “no” squares. On your turn, instead of rolling the die, you take a challenge card and complete the challenge.

This time you can't refuse it.

The first player to complete their race wins!

Good day and good game


2 words game joue vaison

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