13 09 24identiquest

2 words game Identiquest

On 13/09/2024 0

In 2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we’re going to talk about Identiquest!

In Identiquest, who will steal the most precious stones without being unmasked from 3 to 6 players for 15 minutes from 8 years old!

In Identiquest, we are precious stone thieves who must seize them, be unmasked or escape.

We shuffle the precious stone cards and place the draw pile face down in the center of the table, then we spread 5 cards from the face up pile in the center.

We then place the 7 different suspect cards in front of each player with the question mark faces up.

Each player then receives an “identity” card which they look at discreetly and place face down, without showing it to the other players.

The objective of each player will then be to steal the precious stones of the same color as their “identity” card.

Each turn, players have the right to one of two actions, steal gems or accuse a player.

To steal stones, the player takes 2 of the 5 precious stone cards placed in the center of the table and places them in front of him, this will be his loot (he places them on top of those already stolen if he has any).

We then replace the 2 stolen cards with 2 new cards from the pile in the center of the table.

To accuse a player, the player whose turn it is must report him to the police by announcing the color of the “identity” card he thinks the player has.

You must have at least 2 precious stone cards in your loot to be able to accuse another player.

If the accusation does not match the color of the offending player, the question mark card placed in front of the player will be turned over to show a red cross which indicates that the player's "identity" card is not of that color.

The player who accused him will have to give him 2 precious stone cards from his own loot.

If the accusation was justified, the accused player turns his “identity” card face up and all the other players turn their question cards of the color concerned in front of them towards the red cross.

A player is unmasked as soon as he is accused and it is the right color, he must then give 4 precious stone cards to his accuser (or the rest if he has less than 4).

A player escapes as soon as the last question mark card is turned over, he can no longer be accused.

As soon as the player has performed one of these two actions, another player takes their turn and chooses from these two choices.

The game ends when either the precious stone cards are exhausted or all players are unmasked or escaped.

Each player counts the number of precious stones in the color of their “identity” card to know the number of points they have earned.

The player with the most points wins the game.

Good day and good game ;)


2 words game joue identiquest

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