01 11 24frenchtour

2 words game French tour

On 01/11/2024 0

In 2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about French Tour!

In French Tour, let's explore France, from 2 to 6 players for 20 minutes from 7 years old, and win the most cards!

In French Tour we will try to find where the places are located using clues from objective maps.

We separate the piles of face-down cards into three piles, yellow, green and blue, then we choose one of the piles.

The cards are then distributed among the players. Each player then looks to see if they have pairs composing a panorama of a monument or known place in France.

They then remove the pairs and place them face up in front of them on the table.

The player to the dealer's right then presents his face-down deck of cards to his neighbor, who takes one at random.

If the new card drawn allows you to compose a new pair, you also place it face up in front of you on the table.

All players proceed in the same way until only the “intruder” card remains, the sand rose.

Players then count 1 point per pair won. Then they keep the won pairs face up in front of them.

We then place the map of France in the center of the table and then challenge the other players to find on the map the places indicated on their pairs of cards.

The challenged player must find on the map of France in 20 seconds where the place concerned by these maps is located.

If the player succeeds, he gains an additional point. If he makes a mistake, he gives his pair of cards to the player who challenged him.

The game ends when all players have played their pairs.

The player with the most points at the end of both phases of play wins the game.

Good day and good game ;)


2 words game joue french

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