
2 words game Luna Capital

On 24/01/2025 0

In 2 words game

Colonization of the Moon has ceased to be a limited concept

to science fiction. Players embody different groups of settlers (engineers, scientists, ex-farmers, miners, etc.).

They will have to manage all available opportunities by building essential facilities on the most suitable land in their attempt to become the capital of the moon.

Over 12 rounds, players will have access to delivery bundles consisting of blueprints, for various structures (building cards) and one or more project options, such as resource silos, lunar greenhouses and residential modules, among others (Project tiles), which they will then place in their own play area, called “Colony”.

During the game, each player will create their own colony by building rows of Construction cards in front of them.

Each construction map shows a certain number of construction sites. By placing Project tiles on their Construction Sites, players will improve their colony and earn victory points.

To play 1 Construction card, the player must select 1 of the Construction cards from their hand and place it face up in their colony.

The placement of the card must respect these 4 conditions:

1/ It cannot be placed on another card or rotated in any way. The number on the card should be visible in the upper left corner.

2/ From the second card, each card must be placed next to and at right angles to at least one of the Construction cards placed during a previous round. At least two corners of the new card must touch two other corners of an existing card.

3/ There can be a maximum of 3 rows of cards in each player's colony. The length of each line has no limit and can be of different length.

4/ The Construction cards are numbered from 1 to 10. In each row, the numbers on the cards must increase from left to right and no number can be repeated in the row.

If the player has no card that meets this condition in his hand, he must place the new card face down (while meeting conditions 1, 2, and 3).

Since the number will not be visible, it will not be taken into account. Also, the player will not be able to place Project tiles on this card.

After placing his card, the player must place all the Project tiles he has taken this turn. Project tiles can be played on top of any of the empty construction sites in their colony.

The player is not required to place them on the map that was just added to their colony. Each tile must be placed on a Construction Site that is completely empty, without any Project tiles or buildings of any type.

At the end of each Phase, before players begin the next turn, each player checks to see if they have fulfilled the requirements for any of the exposed concessions that are still available.

Each player who has fulfilled the conditions for one or more Concession locations places an identification token on top.

At the end of the twelfth round, the score is calculated and the Lunar Colonization Authority will choose the one who did the best job as the satellite capital preferred by nine out of ten inhabitants of Earth.

Good day and good game ;)


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