
2 words game Grumpf

On 21/02/2025 0

In 2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Grumpf!

Go hunting for grumpy monsters, with 2 to 6 players, from 8 years old in 15 minutes, to complete a series and earn the most points.

Each player controls the members of a clan of Grumpfs. The players place their Grumpf pawns on the hunting boards at the same time. This is where they capture the Animals.

For each board, the players must achieve, together, a condition of success (strength, number, etc.). They must therefore cooperate, but only the strongest clans win the hunt.

The game takes place over 4 rounds, at the end of which the player who has caught the greatest number of sets of different Animals is declared the winner.

A game is made up of 4 rounds. Each round proceeds as follows:

— Place the Animals on the hunting boards.

We each place 12 animal tokens, drawn at random, on the board that corresponds to it.

—Hunting with the Grumpfs.

As soon as a player shouts “Grumpf”, we then all drop our pawns in hand onto the table in front of us.

With one hand, we return the grumps the number of times we want to find the values ​​that interest us.

They will then be placed on the board in the order of the monsters on the free spaces on the board.

Grumpfs with clubs allow you to knock out valuable grumpfs but they will not be counted in the points at the end of the hunt.

We check whether the platform conditions are respected. We then count all the grumpfs of all the players present on the hunting board.

When a player has placed all his grumpfs or no longer wants to play a pawn, he will fold. He then places his old pawn on one of the free huts between the boards and shouts “blue grumpfs” for the blue player. He cannot be knocked out because he is lying down.

When all the Huts are occupied, this ends the round, the players immediately stop placing Grumpfs.

— End the hunt.

The players count the boards one by one, looking for each board to see if the condition is reached. To check if the condition is reached, count all the Grumpfs of all the players present on the board (except those who have been knocked out).

If the condition is not met, nothing happens. The Animals stay for the next round and the players take back their Grumpfs

If the condition is reached, the players divide the Animals starting with the strongest clan.

To determine the strength of the clans, players add up all the Grumpfs of their color on the relevant board.

The player with the highest value is first, the second second... In the event of a tie between players, it is the one with a Grumpf of his color highest on the track who wins.

The strongest players distribute the Animals among themselves following the specific rule indicated on each board. All Animals must be dealt, but not all players on the board will necessarily have them.

Once the round is resolved, the players begin the next round, and so on until the bag is empty of all Animal tokens (4 rounds).

When the last Animal token is placed on a board, the players play this last round and count down at the end of the game.

The game ends at the end of the fourth round, at the end of the turn during which the bag no longer contains Animals.

The players line up their pawns by series of different Animals, creating the longest series possible. They count the points according to the scale:

-1 grumpf: 0 points

- 2 grumpfs: 1 point

- 3 grumps: 2 points

-4 grumpfs: 4 points

-5 grumpfs: 6 points.

It is possible to do several series and accumulate their points. Please note, an Animal can only count for one series.

The player with the most victory points is declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the player with the fewest Animals is declared the winner.

Good day and good game ;)


2 words game joue

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