Camel up off seasonmontage

2 words game Camel Up Off Season

On 28/02/2025 0

In 2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Camel Up Off Season!

Desert merchants, from 3 to 5 players, from 8 years old from 45 minutes, optimize your goods to sell as much as possible.

The chaos of Camel Up racing is fading, but what do racing camels do during the off-season? They help merchants transport valuable goods!

However, some merchants are more ambitious than others when sourcing.

Will all the goods they have acquired be able to be properly loaded among the animals in their caravan or will they lose everything before even having the chance to sell them?

Take part in the most popular auction in the desert and use your talents to become the most successful merchant of all!

In Camel Up Off Season, each player plays a merchant with a caravan of camels. Players will bet on lots of merchandise with one goal in mind… generate profits!

However, if they are too greedy and collect too much goods, their camels will be overloaded, and the precious goods will fall and be lost forever in the desert.

Each round begins with an auction to determine the 1st player. The type of bid for the current round is indicated by the top card of the draw pile. However, most auctions follow the same rules as a standard auction, as described below.

Players secretly place coins in their fist. When all players are ready, the bets are revealed simultaneously.

The player with the highest bid wins the auction and returns his bid to the reserve. The other players recover their stake and return their pieces to their tents. The player who wins the auction receives the 1st player marker.

In the event of a tie, the second highest bid wins the auction. If the tie persists, the next highest bid wins the auction.

If all players are involved in a tie, each player gets their stake back and the auction is restarted from the beginning.

During this round, if no player wins, the first player keeps it and everyone gets back their stake. If this happens during the first round of the game, randomly determine the 1st player.

During the market phase and starting with the 1st player, each player supplies goods from a Market tile.

On his turn, the player performs the following actions in order:

1/ Choose a Market tile that has not already been chosen this round and, if applicable, take any coins found there.

2/ Activate a market tile. Each Market tile has a power whose effect can be applied immediately, or which can provide you with a token (+1) to use in a subsequent phase.

3/ Take all the Merchandise cards placed under this Market and reveal those that are face down, if applicable.

Place the collected Goods cards on the camels in your caravan. After performing these actions, their turn is over and it is the next player's turn, in clockwise order.

Phase 2 ends when all players have performed these actions.

4/ Place the goods cards on your camels. The player must place all the Goods cards on his camels.

It is possible to collect 4 types of goods during the game. A player must assign a different type of merchandise per camel.

Once a type of goods is loaded onto one of their camels, that type cannot be reassigned to another free camel until that player has sold all goods of that type.

After placing all the goods on his camels, the player checks to see if any of his camels collapse under the excessive weight of their loads.

The number written under each camel in a caravan indicates the maximum number of Goods cards it can carry (from 3 to 6).

When you have placed 1 or more cards on a camel, if the total number of cards now loaded on its back is greater than its limit, it collapses.

All goods on his back, including those you collected this turn, are lost and you must discard these cards.

During the sales phase and starting with the 1st player, each player can sell a batch of goods.

Each player, going clockwise, can sell the load, in whole or in part, of just one of their camels.

Discard the cards that are part of the set. Cards that have not been sold remain on the camel.

Overview cards are divided into 3 sections:

1. The header indicates the sale restriction for this type of merchandise.

2. Coins indicate the amount of money a player receives based on the quantity of merchandise included in the prize.

3. The numbers associated with the goods pictured indicate the number of cards of each variety included in the deck.

When all players have had the opportunity to make a sale, place 1 Egyptian pound from the reserve on the Market tile that was not chosen during the Market phase.

Turn the chosen ones over to their other side. Next, fill the Market tiles with Goods cards from the Tower.

If the Tower does not contain enough Merchandise cards to fill all the markets, the end of the game is triggered. Shuffle the cards from the discard pile and fill in the remaining markets for the final round. The next round can begin with a new Auction phase.

When activating the power of a Market tile which asks you to draw Merchandise cards, if the Tower does not contain enough, the end of the game is triggered. Shuffle the cards from the discard pile and continue drawing. Continue the current round, and the next round will be the last of the game.

During the Sell phase of the final round, players can make a sale from each of their camels, as described in the Sell phase rules.

When the last round is over, each player counts the number of Egyptian pounds they have. The richest player wins the game.

In the event of a tie, the players concerned make 1 additional sale per camel. The richest player concerned is declared the winner. If the tie persists, the victory is shared.

Good day and good game ;)


2 words game joue

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