Today we are going to talk about Camel Up Off Season!
Desert merchants, from 3 to 5 players, from 8 years old from 45 minutes, optimize your goods to sell as much as possible.
The chaos of Camel Up racing is fading, but what do racing camels do during the off-season? They help merchants transport valuable goods!
However, some merchants are more ambitious than others when sourcing.
Will all the goods they have acquired be able to be properly loaded among the animals in their caravan or will they lose everything before even having the chance to sell them?
Take part in the most popular auction in the desert and use your talents to become the most successful merchant of all!
In Camel Up Off Season, each player plays a merchant with a caravan of camels. Players will bet on lots of merchandise with one goal in mind… generate profits!
However, if they are too greedy and collect too much goods, their camels will be overloaded, and the precious goods will fall and be lost forever in the desert.
Each round begins with an auction to determine the 1st player. The type of bid for the current round is indicated by the top card of the draw pile. However, most auctions follow the same rules as a standard auction, as described below.
Players secretly place coins in their fist. When all players are ready, the bets are revealed simultaneously.
The player with the highest bid wins the auction and returns his bid to the reserve. The other players recover their stake and return their pieces to their tents. The player who wins the auction receives the 1st player marker.
In the event of a tie, the second highest bid wins the auction. If the tie persists, the next highest bid wins the auction.
If all players are involved in a tie, each player gets their stake back and the auction is restarted from the beginning.
During this round, if no player wins, the first player keeps it and everyone gets back their stake. If this happens during the first round of the game, randomly determine the 1st player.
During the market phase and starting with the 1st player, each player supplies goods from a Market tile.
On his turn, the player performs the following actions in order:
1/ Choose a Market tile that has not already been chosen this round and, if applicable, take any coins found there.
2/ Activate a market tile. Each Market tile has a power whose effect can be applied immediately, or which can provide you with a token (+1) to use in a subsequent phase.
3/ Take all the Merchandise cards placed under this Market and reveal those that are face down, if applicable.
Place the collected Goods cards on the camels in your caravan. After performing these actions, their turn is over and it is the next player's turn, in clockwise order.
Phase 2 ends when all players have performed these actions.
4/ Place the goods cards on your camels. The player must place all the Goods cards on his camels.
It is possible to collect 4 types of goods during the game. A player must assign a different type of merchandise per camel.
Once a type of goods is loaded onto one of their camels, that type cannot be reassigned to another free camel until that player has sold all goods of that type.
After placing all the goods on his camels, the player checks to see if any of his camels collapse under the excessive weight of their loads.
The number written under each camel in a caravan indicates the maximum number of Goods cards it can carry (from 3 to 6).
When you have placed 1 or more cards on a camel, if the total number of cards now loaded on its back is greater than its limit, it collapses.
All goods on his back, including those you collected this turn, are lost and you must discard these cards.
During the sales phase and starting with the 1st player, each player can sell a batch of goods.
Each player, going clockwise, can sell the load, in whole or in part, of just one of their camels.
Discard the cards that are part of the set. Cards that have not been sold remain on the camel.
Overview cards are divided into 3 sections:
1. The header indicates the sale restriction for this type of merchandise.
2. Coins indicate the amount of money a player receives based on the quantity of merchandise included in the prize.
3. The numbers associated with the goods pictured indicate the number of cards of each variety included in the deck.
When all players have had the opportunity to make a sale, place 1 Egyptian pound from the reserve on the Market tile that was not chosen during the Market phase.
Turn the chosen ones over to their other side. Next, fill the Market tiles with Goods cards from the Tower.
If the Tower does not contain enough Merchandise cards to fill all the markets, the end of the game is triggered. Shuffle the cards from the discard pile and fill in the remaining markets for the final round. The next round can begin with a new Auction phase.
When activating the power of a Market tile which asks you to draw Merchandise cards, if the Tower does not contain enough, the end of the game is triggered. Shuffle the cards from the discard pile and continue drawing. Continue the current round, and the next round will be the last of the game.
During the Sell phase of the final round, players can make a sale from each of their camels, as described in the Sell phase rules.
When the last round is over, each player counts the number of Egyptian pounds they have. The richest player wins the game.
In the event of a tie, the players concerned make 1 additional sale per camel. The richest player concerned is declared the winner. If the tie persists, the victory is shared.
Rearrange the species of the jungle in 20 to 30 minutes, from 8 years old and from 2 to 4 players to recreate a cradle of diversity!
In Rainforest, harmoniously arrange your jungle with different types of vegetation and reintroduce the region's emblematic animal species to help their preservation.
On his turn, the player performs two obligatory actions in order:
1 Take the first Jungle tile from a pile then all the Species tokens of a single color or type from the same zone.
2 Distribute the Species tokens collected on your Jungle tiles inwait in its blank zone then validate those which are completed by moving them into its jungle.
The player chooses one of the 5 areas on the board and performs these two steps in order:
He takes the first Jungle tile from the pile and can either place it in one of the spaces in his blank area, or place it back under the pile if he does not want to take it or if he already has 3 tiles in his pile blank area.
Then he must take all the Species tokens of a single color or type of his choice in this same zone. The totem animal assigned to each player at the start of the game will earn them more points.
The player who collects the last Species token in a zone can immediately exchange one of his Species tokens collected during this turn or from his reserve with any Species token from the central board.
If the player creates an area of 3 or 4 tiles of the same color connected and the two Protected Area tokens of the color are available for the game, the player can immediately recover the token of 3 or 4 tiles.
A player can only have one Protected Area token per color.
The player places the Protected Area token on one of the tiles of their choice in the connected area in question.
If the player combines the 5 colors in his jungle, he collects the Balance token and places it on the tile of the 5th color. A player can only have one Balance token.
If a player has more Species tokens than he can store in his reserve (limited to 2), he must discard the excess into the bag.
He manages his reserve as he wishes: he can discard tokens reserved for previous rounds to store new ones collected this round.
When a player validates their 9th Jungle tile, they trigger the end of the game. The players complete the round of the table until they return to the player who has the Binoculars token, so that everyone has played the same number of rounds. They then move on to counting points.
Each Jungle tile validated in the jungle earns the number of points indicated on it, the Totem Species tokens, protected area and the balance tokens add or multiply the additional points.
The player who obtains the most points wins the game. In the event of a tie, the players share the victory.
Will you manage to make your jungle a cradle of diversity?
Collect treasures with your tribes for 20 to 60 minutes, from 8 years old and from 2 to 6 players to score as many points as possible!
In Costa Ruana, you are a tribal leader. Send your natives to neighboring islands to get your hands on more pirate treasure than your rivals.
If you become a shaman, your decisions affect events, so your rivals will try to influence you through fair or foul means...
Your goal is to score the most points by having treasures in your cabin and natives in your stash at the end of the fifth round.
Treasures are the key: each turn, you collect one on each island on which your tribe is in the majority (or minority, if other tribes are tied there).
Cards allow you to move treasure, place natives on islands, bring them home, or move them between islands.
Each turn, everyone plays a face-up card in front of any player (including themselves), followed by another face-down card (also in front of anyone).
Finally, you can place a native on any card played, even a hidden card played by an opponent, if you are very daring! — to copy its effect for yourself.
The background of each card is four colors, but in each round only two-color cards will be resolved, affecting the players they are played in front of.
The shaman determines these colors by turning over one of the two condition cards. If you are the shaman, use your power to the best of your ability; otherwise, try to guess others or influence the shaman.
Memorize the number of treasures in other players' cabins and carefully manage your natives: a few points can make the difference!
Intriguing, double riddles and bluffs: welcome to Costa Ruana!
Today we are going to talk about the Trial of the Temples!
You will be put to the test for 30 to 60 minutes, from 14 years old and 2 to 4 players to become the best adventurer!
The game offers you a challenge based on choice of placement and ability to adapt.
Game situations will very often lead players to have to answer this question:
“Is it better for me to place myself in a certain place to accumulate resources or is it better for me to position myself here to prevent the development of other players?
“Similarly, decisions made by other players can upset your turn strategy and force you to improvise a new one on the fly.
During the game, players accumulate Power Cubes which will allow them to unlock spells in their Grimoire; some provide immediate bonuses, others are more long-term oriented.
Here again, it is a matter of choice and this “personalization” aspect allows you to opt for several game strategies.
As is often the case in games developed by Emperor S4, the Trial of the Temples offers a game with simple mechanics to learn but which offer a rich gaming experience conducive to twists and turns!
The game works on a principle of accumulation of Victory Points: at the end of the game, the player who has collected the most wins.
A complete game takes place in 5 turns maximum but can end sooner depending on the players' actions!
Pay attention to the actions of others because some may want to end the game faster than you want!
In summary, the Temples test offers, in a package of simple rules and an interesting aesthetic, a game combining reflection, planning and adaptation and the slightest decision (of placement or development) has consequences.
Today we are going to talk about the eye of Itzamna!
Follow in the footsteps of the great explorers for 90 to 120 minutes for 1 to 4 players in the heart of the temple!
Jonathan Eaton, billionaire owner of Vestigium Industries, combines running the world's largest company with adventures in temples and mazes.
He leaves everyone perplexed when he announces his retirement.
And even more so when he explains how he will choose his successor: like a modern-day Willy Wonka, he challenges you and your friends to participate in the competition of the century. The winner will receive all Vestigium shares and will be the richest person in the world.
Are you up for it?
Go to your House of Treasures and visit the legendary temple of Itzamna, a Mayan god with great powers.
Search your way through the temple and find the jewel that is the Eye of Itzamna.
Have you completed the quest? Meet for new adventures to replay your game on the site indicated on the game box.
Today we are going to talk about Speed Color Team!
Add color to your challenges, as a team for 10 minutes, by completing the objectives!
Place a line of uncolored face cards in front of each team and the markers in the center of the table in the game box.
As a team, discover the cards with the colors to be made, memorize them, then try to reproduce them all together.
How ? By coloring the black white cards of your line before the other players.
Take the markers corresponding to the colors corresponding to those you need to restore colors to the card in front of you.
And since remembering colors and coloring is child's play, we add a little difficulty. ;)
We will add team challenges in a limited time, not to mention the markers whose color is not indicated anywhere!
It will therefore be necessary to communicate on the colors found and coordinate to use other colors while they are already used either by his teammates or by the players of the opposing team...
Who will be able to combine team challenge and communication to color the team cards as quickly as possible?
You can either play with one card in front of each team or several to spice up the game. ;)
The first team to finish coloring the cards in front of them or the most cards wins the game!
No time to bubble, solo or in duo for 20 minutes, form your combos to win the game!
Line them all up!
In Bubblee Pop, players compete to save the Bubblees by lining up three of them horizontally or vertically.
Once lined up, the Bubblees give the player points and trigger special powers.
If you stack them the wrong way, you risk losing the game immediately.
Once the reversible board is installed between the two players, 3 black Bubblees take place on each of the players' planets.
It is then the Sky which is set up by the standard installation of colored Bubblees, so that two identical colors are not adjacent.
It's up to you to pop the Bubblees by assembling them by color and in groups of 3 or more via gravity which makes them fall 2 by 2 on your planet.
When things go wrong, powers are triggered and victory points are accumulated.
Fill the sky by drawing Bubblees from the bag. The active player may eventually swap 2 adjacent Bubblees in the sky before obligatorily causing 2 to fall, horizontally or vertically adjacent.
These Bubblees, once they land, if they form an alignment (not diagonal) of 3 or more of the same color, are removed and placed in the scoring area.
This triggers a power depending on the color, a power that remains optional:
- Swap bubbles on your planet or the opposing planet;
- Send a Bubblee or drop one from the sky at his opponent;
- Finally, recover an uncovered Bubblee from his planet and place it in his score zone.
- Black Bubblees, on the other hand, have no powers. Finally, any holes left by the bursts are filled by making the Bubblees "fall" from above.
A single player mode is available where the objective is to empty the opposing planet which starts in a filling state indicated by the level chosen. There are 20 of increasing difficulty.
The only difference in the rules is that when a cluster of 3 Bubblees forms, you can choose to send one (see 2 if the combination is 4 or more Bubblees) to the neighboring planet, keeping the d column. origin before deciding to use the power.
The Black Bubblees are then obstacles that may be the only ones left on the otherwise emptied planet.
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