
2 words game Ultrium sphere terra nueva

On 07/05/2021 0

In 2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Ultrium Sphere, Terra Nueva!

In the distant future, man has conquered space and the ultimate entertainment is an extremely violent sport called ULTRIUM SPHERE.

In these matches, anything goes. At least two teams compete against each other to score the decisive 3 goals that lead to victory.

Teams are usually owned by powerful corporations or simple independents, and players come from all over the Galaxy (humans, androids, genetic experiments, or aliens).

ULTRIUM SPHERE has become the most popular game in the entire universe and is watched by hundreds of billions of people. Players who manage to survive the game and perform remarkably well are virtually elevated to the rank of Deities and are called the ULTRAs.

In ULTRIUM SPHERE, each player is the leader of an Ultrium Sphere team, which they try to lead to victory. Each team consists of two decks: 25 Ultra cards and 25 Interaction cards. Ultra Cards represent team members and describe their race and various characteristics, offensive (tackle, attack, shooting) and defensive (resistance, stop, pass).

Interaction cards are the different strategies the team can apply. At the start of the game, each player draws 4 Interaction Cards and 6 Ultra Cards. The 6 Ultras must be arranged in two lines, the attack line and the defense line (3 Ultras in each line). Interaction cards remain in hand.

Ultras can be used either for their particular ability or to perform various actions depending on their place in the field. Attackers can interfere with the opponent's defense (tackle, attack) or attempt to shoot a goal.

Defenders can pass to attackers (one pass must take place before each shot on goal) or stop the opponent’s shots. The player must activate the Ultras (i.e. turn them at a 90 degree angle) when using them.

Once activated, Ultras can no longer be used. Therefore, the player must not activate all of their Ultras during their turn, as the activated Ultras will not be able to defend themselves during the opponent's turn. When the player chooses to play an action, he must roll a 12-sided die and add the personal Ultra bonus for the chosen action.

To know whether the action succeeds or not, the player compares the total to a success threshold, which must be exceeded or not depending on the type of action. The Interaction card can be used at any time to strengthen its own Ultras or weaken the opponent's Ultras.

When the turn begins, the player draws 1 Interaction card and places all of their Ultras vertically. First, he / she can replace the Ultras and have 2 Ultras exchange places. He can then use the Ultras and Interaction cards.

When the player can no longer or no longer wants to perform an action, or when he scores a goal, his turn ends and the opponent can begin his turn. Play continues until one of the players scores 3 goals.

Good day and good game ;)



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