27 03roraima3 79

Did you know?

On 27/03/2024 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !

Mount Roraima (Venezuela)

Mount Roraima is a mountain in South America shared between Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela.

Discovered and explored late in the 19th century, Mount Roraima was not climbed until 1884 by a British expedition.

An account of one of these expeditions largely inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write his adventure novel The Lost World in 1912.

Its highlight is the Maverick Stone. Inside the plateau there are numerous caves and chasms.

The watercourses which run through the plateau and which do not escape directly in the form of waterfalls end up disappearing into the rock through the network of caves

This water which flows from Mount Roraima in the form of waterfalls, such as Salto Roraima, or underground gives rise to numerous streams at its feet, some temporary, others permanent.

To the east of the mountain is the source of the Rio Cotingo, a river flowing into Brazil and a sub-tributary of the Amazon.

Good day and good game ;)

*Photo by Paolo Costa Baldi.


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