
Did you know?

On 24/07/2024 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !

A well-established tradition!

The first Olympic Games are reputed to have taken place in 776 BC. BC on the initiative of Iphitos, king of Elis.

This year marks the beginning of the Olympic calendar, according to which the years are grouped into Olympiads, and year 1 of the Greek calendar adopted in 260 BC.

However, it is likely that the Games were even older, given the abundance of offerings from the Geometric period found at Olympia.

From then on, the Games gained importance throughout ancient Greece, but there are nearly 300 sports meetings of the same type, the agones.

Under the Roman Empire, the Olympic Games formed, with the Pythian Games, the Nemean Games, and the Isthmian Games, a cycle of sacred games, one of which returns each year.

The athlete who wins prizes at these four Panhellenic Games is designated by the title “periodonikes”.

Good day and good game ;)


did you know joue jeu

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