
Did you know?

On 28/08/2024 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !

The Youth Olympic Games!

Starting in 2010, the Olympic Games host the Youth Olympic Games (YOG), where athletes are between 14 and 18 years old.

The YOG was created by Jacques Rogge, President of the IOC, in 2001.

The decision is approved during the 119th IOC Congress.

The 2010 Summer Youth Olympic Games were held in Singapore and the 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games were held in Innsbruck, Austria.

These Games last less than the traditional Olympic Games.

Summer ones last twelve days and winter ones, nine days.

3,500 athletes and 875 officials will participate in the 2010 Summer Olympics, and 970 athletes and 580 officials in the Winter Olympics.

The sports on the program coincide with those of the traditional Olympic Games, however the number of disciplines and events is reduced.

Good day and good game ;)


did you know joue jeu

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