2 lagos falaise pont

Did you know?

On 11/09/2024 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !

Lagos Beaches

Lagos, "The Lakes", is a Portuguese city located in the south of the Algarve, at the mouth of the Bensafrim.

Lagos is an old seaport with a history dating back over 2000 years. Its name Lagos derives from the Gallic Lacobriga.

Lagos was first a trading post where the Carthaginians recruited Gallic mercenaries to fight the Romans during the Wars.

It was then colonized by the Romans, and depended on the Roman province of Lusitania.

There are still some Gallo-Roman remains in and around Lagos itself.

It was probably at Lacobriga, near Mount Molião, that the rebel general Sertorius, with the support of Lusitanian auxiliaries, defeated the army of Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius sent to arrest him.

Lacobriga was already a considerable port at that time. In the 6th century, the city was successively governed by the Visigoths from the Kingdom of Toledo then by the Byzantines.

Good day and good game ;)

Photo by Jironi B


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