3 plitvice lakes national park

Did you know?

On 18/09/2024 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !

Plitviče Lakes

Plitvice Lakes National Park, called Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera in Croatian, is a national park in Croatia, which is located halfway between the cities of Zagreb and Zadar within a karst plateau.

It is both the oldest national park in southern Europe and the largest in Croatia.

It was created on April 8, 1949 and added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979.

The park, with an area of ​​296 square kilometers, includes the Plitvice Lakes, sixteen large lakes, linked together by 92 waterfalls or small turbulent rivers.

But also the surrounding forest where the Korana river is born and which is home to many rare animal and plant species.

Good day and good game ;)

Photo by Hong Kong


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