
Did you know?

On 26/03/2025 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone!

The Medieval Justice League

This prestigious team includes: Hector, Alexander and Caesar; Joshua, Judas Maccabeus and David; King Arthur, Charlemagne and Godfrey of Bouillon.

They are called the Nine Worthies. The model will be immensely successful for several centuries. As with the Avengers, joining this team becomes the supreme distinction: when we want to praise someone, for example Du Guesclin, we say that he is the "tenth worthie".

These nine heroes intersect all the sources of medieval culture. The fascination with Greco-Roman antiquity, first of all, which reminds us that we do not need to wait for a hypothetical Renaissance.

Alexander has been famous since the Romance of Alexander, which recounts his conquests and exploits (notably underwater). Caesar has never really ceased to be a reference. Hector became one again in the 12th century, with the Roman de Troie.

Let us recall that the Franks claimed to be descended from the Trojans who fled the city when it fell (like the Romans with Aeneas): they therefore appropriated the Trojan figures, and had a more critical view of Greek heroes like Achilles or Ulysses.

Then, King David, victor over the giant Goliath; Judas Maccabée, leader of the Maccabean revolt and hero of a text written in the middle of the 13th century; Joshua, finally, model of the warrior winning the victory.

Arthur, of course, is a superstar, the Captain America of the time. Charlemagne is an attested historical figure, but also a legendary character, through for example the Song of Roland. Finally, Godfrey of Bouillon, crusader and first sovereign of the kingdom of Jerusalem, also had his novel (the Knight of the Swan cycle).

Have a good day and good game ;)


did you know joue jeu

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