
Did you know?

On 07/07/2021 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !

African-Americans, Jews, Irish…

Minorities in the days of the Wild West.

The Irish: A Key Role in the Railroad Epic Found in large numbers in the mines of California, Nevada and Colorado, they also played a key role in the railroad epic.

From 1860 to 1869, the faithful of Saint Patrick built from Omaha, Nebraska, the "east-west" section of the first transcontinental railway line, while their Chinese counterparts carried out from Sacramento, Calif., The “west-east” section.

So it was thanks to the Sino-Irish force that New York was only a week's journey from San Francisco - instead of six months before.

The Chinese: They called themselves "Gamsaanhaak", "the guests of the Golden Mountain".

An evocative paraphrase to designate California plunged into gold fever since 1848.

Agricultural workers (coolies), cooks, launderers around the deposits, or workers, they were distinguished by their endurance.

Good day and good game ;)



did you know joue jeu

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