
Did you know?

On 14/07/2021 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !

African-Americans, Jews, Irish…

Minorities in the days of the Far West : 

The Mexicans

The Mexicans may have traced their genealogy since the founding of New Spain, they were collectively recruited as seasonal workers, notably in the corn and cotton fields of the New Mexico.

The French:

based in San Francisco Unlike the Italian or Irish migrants, these newcomers did not flee poverty.

For most traders, investors or bankers, it was the opportunities to make a fortune that attracted them there.

To mock the lack of enthusiasm of our fellow citizens to adopt the English language, they nicknamed them the "kezkidis".

The British: The Mormon Wave Among the workers in the coalfields, one particular case has deeply marked the history of the West: that of the British Mormons who came to build "the new Jerusalem" in the great American spaces.

Good day and good game ;)



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