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Operation Gigamic games offered to children in need.

On 01/12/2020


It's time to count down for the Solidarity Christmas 2020 operation ...

Facebook: 3400 comments

Instagram: 410 comments

Twitter: 216 retweets Which gives us a result of ... 4026 games!

Good ... exceptional situation, exceptional measure.

Today, on the occasion of #GivingTuesday, we have decided to give you one last chance to explode the counter and try to reach 10,000 games!

Today your comment counts double.

It is therefore not 1 game that you will offer thanks to your comment but 2!

The 4026 games are acquired, we will add double your comments across all networks this evening in the hood of the Agence du Don en Nature !!!

On your keyboards, ready? Comment!

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Operation Gigamic games offered to children in need.

On 26/11/2020


Hello everyone!

Just like last year, Gigamic suggests that all children who cannot have gifts have one at the foot of the tree.

1 gift is offered by Gigamic thanks to a like on their page and a comment on their publication.

The Gigamic Facebook page to like:*F

The post to comment for a gift for a child offered by Gigamic:…/a.1035610660…/10158977005341064/…

Thanks to Gigamic for this action and thanks to L'Atelier du Jouet for the reminder Thanks for the kids to everyone who will.

Good day and good game ;)