
59321439 2265168337067320 7905435333230067712 n

Speak Easy puzzle 35

On 23/05/2019

Hello everyone!

Here are our Thursday puzzles :)


A decisive "S":

When I have two "S" you can eat me.

With only one, it's not recommended at all!

Who am I?


And the responses from last Thursday.


First puzzle: Blond and brown heads: 99 of course.

The common mistake is to mix blonds and browns to anwer 50/50.


Second puzzle: change of scenery: It's a poor sea diver a canadair snapped up in its bunkers ...

before dropping it, with water, on the fire.


Any idea of ​​the answer? Tell us in the comments;)

59321439 2265168337067320 7905435333230067712 n

Speak Easy puzzle 1

On 06/05/2019

Hello everyone!

Here is our first Speakeasy riddle!

An idea?

Leave a comment :)

We will give the solutions to the puzzles of the week next Monday with the points won by each.

Place your bets ;)



This strange series of symbols is engraved on a grave.

The legend claims that whoever can understand it and therefore draw the symbol will become immortal.

You are interested? Try...