Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin, proudly wear the colors of your House and live up to its reputation.
In each of the 8 rounds, prepare a Spell and point your wand at one of your opponents.
Then, all at the same time, cast your Spell… or protect yourself! Because if you are stunned, you risk losing points to your House.
Only the wisest wizards will be able to share the Rewards of the round and thus earn points for their House.
A game takes place over 8 rounds, each divided into 7 phases. The Chouchou announces and directs the phases of play, one after the other. The back of the Chouchou tile presents a game aid recalling these different phases.
Draw 8 Reward cards and place them, face up, in the center of the table, next to the Become the Pet card. The latter constitutes the 9th Reward, available in each round.
All at the same time, secretly choose a Stupefy or Failed Spell card from your Spell cards and place it face down in front of you.
When everyone has prepared their Spell card, the Chouchou announces “Witches, Wizards... take your wands!” ”, then count to three.
In threes, all at the same time, point your wand at one of your opponents. If you don't point to anyone at "three", it's too late.
You will therefore not target anyone during this round.
Important: For safety reasons, always aim at your opponent's chest and never at their face.
Pay close attention to the wands pointed at you and your opponents. After a few seconds of observation, the Chouchou counts to three again.
Three people, all at the same time, cast the Spell you prepared in phase 2 or the Protego Spell.
• Stupefy: Shout “Stupefy!” » and keep your wand pointed at your opponent.
• Failed Spell: Say nothing and lower your wand.
• Protego: You can always choose to protect yourself by casting a Protego Spell in place of any prepared card.
Hold your wand in front of your face and shout “Protego!” ". So you no longer target anyone.
If you have cast a Protego Spell: you are protected. Lay down your Flag and ignore all Spells that target you. Then discard your Spell card face down.
Otherwise, if you are targeted by one or more Stupefy Spells:
you are stunned. Lay down your Flag and take 1 Delay token per Stupefy Spell that targets you. Then discard your Spell card, face up.
Only players whose Flag is still standing can participate in the Sharing of Rewards.
If your Flag is still standing, starting with the Pet then clockwise, take a Reward of your choice from the revealed cards. Continue taking Rewards, in turn order, until there are no more in the center of the table.
When all 9 Rewards have been taken, the round ends.
• Keep the Successful Potion and Favor cards face down in front of you.
• Discard the Private Lessons and Time Turner cards.
• Return the Become the Chouchou card to the center of the table.
• Announce out loud the total value of the Points cards that your House
won during this Share. Then place them in the Urn in your House.
Important: Only Point cards are pooled in your House Urn. All other Reward cards are individual.
Straighten all the Flags, and then return to phase 1 Reveal the Rewards to start a new round.
The game ends after 8 rounds, when all the Prize cards have been taken.
The House with the highest score wins the game.
In the event of a tie, the Houses concerned share the victory.