
JJV's Offs

On 16/04/2023 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Playing is learning while having fun!

The game is an incredible tool to learn lots of new things.

In addition to learning to follow rules on an equal footing between all players, the game allows you to discover various worlds and develop your knowledge.

When playing Timeline, for example, placing major events in chronological order helps memorize these events, or at least get an idea of ​​their time of existence in relation to other events.

The game also develops curiosity if you look into it even a little. ;)

We discover that Hanabi for example means in Japanese "fireworks" by the ideograms flower and fire 花火.

Even by playing Uno, you learn to play American 8.

By playing Reversi, we learn moves that we also make in the game of go.

Even much more than learning, we have fun with loved ones and we sometimes discover hidden facets that only reveal themselves during a moment around a board game. ;)

For example, when playing Jokes de Papa against my best friend, I like to make a particular expression that makes him burst out laughing every time, as you know with Jokes de Papa, you laugh, you lose ^^.

By playing with you around a table on a daily basis, I discover you are determined, strategists, and even sometimes a little trickster. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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