
JJV's Offs

On 23/07/2023 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Stay the course, experience at your service.

With great achievements already accomplished with you by my side, I do not intend to stop in my tracks.

When I look back 5 years, when I created the store, I intended to develop game animations that did not exist in Vaison.

Some immediately trusted me, seeking my experience in animation to energize their organizations.

I would also like to thank these first people and companies who believed in my game animation project from the start.

I would particularly mention Mac Donald de Saint Romain en Viennois and their kind recommendation to other companies and institutions after having tested the game animations. :)

Thank you also to the town halls and toy libraries for your trust for 5 years now, thank you Vaison, where we Play the Game. ;)

And thank you around Vaison and elsewhere where we also play the game. ;)

Thank you especially to you my customers and everyday players, who allow me to continue the fun adventure by your side. ;)

Thank you to the entertainment teams that I joined or managed, particularly my Italian-Maltese froufrous team (Thank you frou frou team, grazzie mille frou frou team) and especially the entertainment team with whom everything started and continues every christmas, I named team fada. ;)

I would like to thank Angie, Cece, Clairounette, Julie Gege, Marie M., Yaume tomette, Kit and Kat, Angél-hic, Laeti titia, Magic Dom Dom.

I would end up thanking my husband, his parents, my relatives and friends, who even if they may have had doubts continue to support me and believe in my store. :)

I'm happy to see that we haven't gone from 0 game animation in 2018, to a year of games in advance, toy libraries that flourish in Vaison and its surroundings, partnerships that I appreciate more than anything!

Great achievements, failures too, but always great human and enriching adventures thanks to all of you!

So thank you very much to everyone, and we're staying the course, towards new projects and new adventures, promise. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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