
JJV's Offs

On 03/12/2023 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

The games that forge us and accompany us.

Board games have always accompanied me since I was young.

Starting with the battle, going through the werewolf and continuing with Patchistory, among many others; I find it a source of fun and discovery.

They allowed me to escape from everyday life and to get to know myself and you.

Because behind a board game, it is above all a shared and unique moment.

A board game is not just an object!

A board game is moments, conversations, laughter, giggles, etc...

Who doesn't remember memorable parties around a board game all together?

And then, from the store, the games allow me to share good conversations and good times with you!

My favorite moment of all would be when I started playing!

My first battle with my grandma around 3 years old.

 And you, what would be your favorite moment around a board game?

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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