
JJV's Offs

On 16/06/2024 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

In Vaison, we play the game!

Almost 6 years ago, I opened the store with the aim of developing the fun world of board games in Vaison and its surroundings.

Several attacks later, I made sure to still hold the bar firmly, sometimes with gritted teeth, but always with determination.

When I opened the store, there were no toy libraries and other game stores in Vaison and that was a shame... ;)

I took the risky gamble of opening a board game store in a slightly more isolated street in the city center of Vaison.

And then, I offered a stand at the games festival with the mistigri baronnies toy library.

And one thing led to another, or rather word of mouth, game activities began at Mac Donald in Saint Romain.

And everything came together, to my greatest happiness with activities with game libraries, town halls, associations and various private and public structures, including Sereno for example…

The store's opening audience grew to more and more gamers, but in the beginning, discovery was at the heart of the store.

This is also why I wanted to continue to develop game discovery activities with “Jeux discover” within the store.

Initiating board games doesn't scare me, you are welcome to discover a daily game of games together around a table where we create good memories.

Because the more players we have, the more we play!

Since the start of the store, I not only wanted to sell board games in store and online, but also to play and help gamists and amateurs in the sector play!

Thank you to all those who participate with me on a daily basis in this magnificent game of the playful world!

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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