
JJV's Offs

On 07/07/2024 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

I had a dream !

I have always dreamed of working in a field that brings people together and brings smiles to their faces...

This is also why I worked as a waitress with a smile and motivation, because in the restaurant people come together to enjoy a good time.

When I worked at Picard, I carefully learned about the cold chain process and product compositions to be able to best advise customers.

And then I moved towards entertainment for children and teenagers, because providing them with support and a smile on a daily basis is great.

Without forgetting what we receive in return: the smiles, the moments of complicity, the activities that make them grow and gain self-confidence, among other things…

I often meet up with the children and teenagers I had during the post-Christmas events in the town where I come from. It’s always a pleasure to see how they have evolved.

I may be naive, but I think that you can bring people together and get closer to them when you have the necessary open-mindedness to do so…

And so I took the chance to have a commercial premises to launch my slightly crazy, but so exciting project of creating the store so that in Vaison we too can Play the Game!

Because beyond looking at game boxes to read what is written there, I have tested the majority of the games that I offer you.

For what ?

Quite simply because, who can tell you about games better than a passionate person who has been playing since they were a child?

I continue to play every day and I am curious about all types of games long before being simply a store that sells games.

And then the ultimate project concerning the store, it was for me the consecration with the animations!

Rather present in store before covid, I can now offer you and enjoy exquisite moments during outdoor activities with you!

I had a dream, on my modest scale, to succeed in bringing people together and I believe that I am in the process of making it come true, so thank you for your daily trust and enthusiasm, once again. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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