
JJV's Offs

On 21/07/2024 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Everything to gain!

I hesitated a lot 6 years ago before opening the store... And then, I told myself that I had nothing to lose and rather everything to gain! As the sayings go, “He who tries nothing, achieves nothing” and “He who lives will see”…

I hesitated, because the gaming world was a little present but spread out a lot around Vaison. I wondered if I would have enough players or those close to players to be able to offer board games in Vaison and its surroundings.

And not to simplify things, I gave myself the additional objective of specializing also with independent games, always very interesting, but nevertheless less known to the general public...

And since “luck favors the bold”, always according to a saying, I ended up taking a year to mature my project and train myself in the necessary tools and launched myself.

Since I love challenges, I said to myself why not also offer Vaison moments where we Play the Game!

So, alongside in-store and online sales, I launched in-store game events which were going pretty well until covid.

And word of mouth has meant that private and public structures have trusted me to provide support to their residents and employees.

And then as a local business, I offered cyberspace which was very useful when it was still available. Too bad the abuse from some people forced me to put an end to it…

However, I remain focused every day on the photocopying, scanning and Pick Up parcel services that are useful to you on a daily basis.

When I look back on its first six years, I have gained a lot with all of you on a daily basis.

I matured, learned, made mistakes in order to progress better later, “braced myself and let it be said” as a great businesswoman from Vaison had advised me…

But that’s how I am, I don’t know how to do things by halves, but I have learned to stay calm in the face of life’s challenges.

I also don't know how to reciprocate harm when it is done to me... You don't heal a wound by moving a knife...

All these negative and above all mostly positive experiences allowed me to gain from it!

Thank you again to everyone for sharing my fun journey and living your passion for board games with me. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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