
JJV's Offs

On 28/07/2024 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

You have to know how to lose!

We don't always succeed in what we do whatever the field, but we have definitely lost when we haven't learned anything from it...

Defeat teaches us much more than victory because it helps us point out a point for improvement.

In games as in life, I am not a bad loser.

For example, I decided to no longer take vouchers from Vaison town hall for the next Christmas, because I was receiving fewer and fewer.

 I then deduced that my products were no longer suitable for the people who came to have them for Christmas.

I have classics, but also an original range of board games that I particularly care about and which my regulars enjoy all year round.

I don't plan to start a game where we don't play fair, so I preferred to withdraw from the game.

Because I'm willing to accept a defeat but certainly not to hear that we won't use the voucher (I quote) "at someone racist's store", when we have just entered there to take some advice on games to use the voucher at my colleague’s store later…

I am very happy that my colleague was able to take advantage of these ladies' vouchers, it is well deserved. Thank you to the town hall of Vaison for showing an interest in the store for its Christmas vouchers.

So yes, this time I lost. I would not play the game of disrespect and defamation to get vouchers…

It was already enough to be called racist live and in front of everyone on Google just because of a faulty internet connection…

However, we cannot use the pretext of a comment on the Internet to stupidly use it as if words had no impact on people, Madam.

Well done Madam, you can rejoice, your comment hurt my feelings... However, I only wish you good in return, because I would never rejoice at your misfortune... That’s just not who I am.

Thank you for your ambivalent morality which allowed me to learn to detach myself from people's gaze!

I would also like to thank once again all these wonderful customers and loved ones who supported me in the face of this gratuitous nastiness!

I learned that I could count once again (as with covid) on an extraordinary clientele.

I will continue to be with you so that in Vaison, We Play the Game! <3

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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