
JJV's Offs

On 04/08/2024 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

The last will be first !

As Mika Hakkinen says, “To be a good winner, you have to be a good loser.” »

When you are passionate about what you do, you fall much more often than you rise. What would be a shame would be not to get up after falling...

Because to be better than you were before, you have to know how to fall, lose, start again, fall again, lose, and always get back up to win small victories day after day.

The first were not always first, they progressed, tested, failed, tried again and finally got there.

After covid, I was unable to restart in-store events, but outdoor events resumed even better than before thanks to my determination.

If we start telling ourselves that we are going to lose or not succeed, we will only have a greater chance of losing if we think about trying and trying again until we manage to do something...

When I started some outdoor events, I didn't think I could do it because it was a whole new style of audience.

And then, I put an action plan in place with small concrete actions to carry out to achieve other, larger actions.

I even almost stopped certain activities for fear of not living up to the expectations we had from playtime...

And then if a goal scares us, it’s because we’ve set the bar high enough and we’re on the right track to get out of our comfort zone and develop our goals.

So I worked twice as hard on what was causing me difficulty in order to be able to meet the demands that were asked of me during these play times.

And today, I am very happy that I didn't give up and didn't give up, because I gained more experience and development from the store's playtime...

It’s often on the other side of your comfort zone that you make the best progress!

If your goals scare you, it’s because they take you out of your comfort zone, but you will see that if you do it, you will end up thanking yourself!

A defeat is a victory, because it teaches us much more about ourselves than a victory. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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