
JJV's Offs

On 11/08/2024 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

When it comes to playing, we're never last!

I'm very happy to see that when it comes to playing, you are never last!

Play time resumed joyfully as soon as gatherings were authorized again and we were able to take advantage of this to get back to playing.

Young and old alike, this is the time when we get together around board games which are also very precious to me…

You are always very fond of discoveries and new games to try to have a good time together.

I'm happy to see residents become strategists and call me to order when I inadvertently forget to apply one of the rules of the game...or even fight mercilessly :)

I also like this little sneaky side that we can have around a game...Around a game, there are no friends, no loved ones, the game is the game... ;)

We're all on an equal footing, with the same rules and that's what's great because it gives a good framework for expressing your strategies during a game...

I love seeing you enjoy the games, your good mood, your less good moods when you lose, your laughter and smiles which inspire me to always do more for you and you always offer more new things.

I also love to tease you just as much as you love to tease me during playtime, with dirty tricks, jokes, always rich exchanges, etc…

And for the little ones to make them smile again and see them burst out laughing despite the events of life they are going through, that’s just my greatest reward…

So thank you for sharing with me the passion for board games and see you soon to play. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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