
JJV's Offs

On 15/09/2024 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“To take revenge for an offense is to put oneself on the level of one’s enemy; to forgive him is to put oneself above him. »

Since the time that I have suffered the uncomfortable behavior of certain individuals out of a spirit of “competition”, I believe that my patience and my resilience no longer need to be proven…

When you send your friends to tell you that “what you are selling is crap…. ". Whether they come to the front of the store or allow themselves to insult me ​​in the street of “la c…….” board games”, we don’t really have any moral lessons to give to our “competitor” as you like to call me…

Almost 6 and a half years without flinching in the face of all this, because as I told you in person when you came to ask me in my own store “Could we be united?” ".

I told you that I was not interested in showing solidarity with people who denigrate my store and my values...but that I would not return the favor, because that's simply not me...

However, I forgave you a while ago, because I decided to focus my attention and energy on something more useful and constructive, my store!

I'm talking about this so that you understand once and for all that I will NEVER respond to your baseness, whatever the level...

I hope for you at some point that you will be able to refocus on yourself to appreciate what life has to offer you.

I wish you good sales and lots of good things in your professional and personal lives, but without me...

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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