
JJV's Offs

On 17/11/2024 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“We are more likely to turn towards the rising sun than the setting sun.”

We all love these games that bring us together and that everyone knows, because almost all of us know how to play them.

Because these games are reassuring and sure values ​​that appeal to a large majority.

But there are also fun nuggets that we didn't expect and which arrive and surprise us with their accessibility and their incredible playability and replayability.

I have also chosen to offer you games in the store, but not only that... You will also find lesser-known games, but just as good as the others, because they offer a new approach.

During the Golden Aces and the International Games Festival in Cannes, the games benefit from the effect of the rising sun and are highlighted there.

In the setting sun, when you are very curious, you can also discover beautiful, playful nuggets that are not as highlighted.

These games from small publishers which do not benefit from the optimal light of a large distribution house but which offer playful wonders.

As you may already know, I am a curious serial gamer long before being the manager of my little store.

So, for me, little fun nuggets like for example Hive by Ludidistri and other wonders that go unnoticed always interest me…

So if you want to join the game enthusiasts who come to discover these fun nuggets from me and the other independents who offer them, you are always welcome. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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