
JJV's Offs

On 29/12/2024 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“Memory is the invisible presence.”

The presence of the moments we have experienced and the people we have known remains through the memories we have of them.

We don't see them anymore, but we can still enjoy them when we think about them and remember how we felt in those moments or with those people.

I always think of Andrée, 96 years old, with whom we played board games with friends when we were teenagers. As soon as I think of her, I remember her somewhat authoritarian side as a former teacher, but above all her gentleness of character and her desire to transmit.

I think of when I played during the first events at the store with Yanis, Marie, Asma, Thomas, Mathieu, etc.… and of the fits of laughter triggered by games of board games. As soon as I think about it, I remember them bickering nicely over who was going to score the last point.

I think of Serge who came to play games from a “new era” and which he ended up enjoying over time, before unfortunately leaving us a few months later. As soon as I think of Serge and those who left us on the way, these memories are all the more precious to me...

I think of this century-old neighbor who enjoyed talking about literature and also ate a lot of candy. As soon as I think of him, I remember our kind and open debates around literature and life in general and the advice I was able to draw from them.

I also think of this kind shopkeeper from a large Vaisonnaise family who told me to brace myself and ignore and reassured me and encouraged me with great sincerity and kindness. As soon as I think of her, I tell myself that when we work to get what we want and give ourselves the means to move forward in the direction of our projects, we can only end up getting there.

I think of my animation game players who allow me to share with them unique moments suspended in time. From the first game animation to the animations that I continue to animate on a daily basis, every moment shared with you is engraved in my memory. ;)

I also think of my Sereno players whom I am always very happy to meet at each game animation, because the diversity of their character makes the session always very lively and very interesting. :) As soon as I think of my Sereno players, I feel driven to offer original and varied games.

I think above all of my grandfather with whom I played battle from the age of 3 and chess from the age of 5 and who taught me that failure is only temporary and is a springboard to success. Whenever I think of my grandfather, I remember his determination and his caring and reassuring presence that led me to where I am today in my life.

I am rich from all these moments and these meetings, so thank you!

Good day and good game ;)


joue le jeu vaison offs

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