
JJV's Offs

On 05/01/2025 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“There are no people worse deaf than those who do not want to hear. »

When you try to make your point of view understood by people who continue to talk when you want to have a conversation with them, but in vain, there is no point in persisting...

A conversation goes both ways or else it's nothing more than a monologue. Actions often speak louder than words with this kind of person...

When we try to calmly make a person understand that their behavior hurts us and they continue to do it, then there is no longer any point in talking to them about it.

Those people who are deaf to healthy adult conversations will never want to hear what you have to say to them anyway.

And finally, if you have done nothing to such people and they seek to harm you, they are indeed the most unfortunate.

For what ? Because they will have lost people who would have been there for them and the only thing they are doing to you by attacking you is to attract attention through gossip because when they talk about their lives no one listens to them...

I have often had to explain to adults that their behavior was inappropriate towards other people or myself. But now I would no longer waste my time or energy on people who have decided to turn a deaf ear to basic respect.

People who do not have basic respect will face my utter indifference. If adults are incapable of behaving like adults, it's not my problem, it's theirs.

I don't intentionally harm anyone, so people who want to harm me, that's okay, I don't care. I would never respond to your immaturity.

I have a clear conscience and I sleep soundly at night, because I don't have any weird plans to make behind your back. I am at the store as I am every day, frank and direct, trying to be polite so as not to hurt others.

I know that some people won't like it, but when I see who doesn't like it, it doesn't bother me... We can't please everyone anyway and fortunately, because that would mean pleasing no one...

Don't waste your time on people who are deaf to your existence, they are not worth it. I believe in you and I know you can be beautifully you. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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