
JJV's Offs

On 12/01/2025 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“Remembrance is the perfume of the soul”

The memory that those we appreciate more than anything remains in us like a unique perfume even if they are no longer there.

A perfume is also ephemeral, but as soon as you think of someone you loved, it’s as if you could still smell that perfume.

Memory is that moment outside of time that we have left that we can no longer relive except in our memory and our feelings.

Just as these smells that we smell remind us of a moment that we have experienced and make us nostalgic, memory is, as George d’Ormesson said, “the presence of the absent in the memory of the living”.

These moments that we share together around board games are all unique and unforgettable for me. They give color to my daily playful path…

I really liked it when the children at the Buis les Baronnies games festival with the Mistigri toy library discovered the games and came to ask me cute children's questions.

I particularly enjoyed playing the game with the children and teenagers at the Mac Donald in Saint Romain en Viennois.

My fun journey is enriched every day when we play together during game activities, during family workshops, during our discussions around games or daily life in Vaison...

I enjoyed creating memories by being a facilitator in Angers, Camaret and creating more with you, by bringing my smile and my dynamism.

You perfume my soul every moment we share the passion for board games together.

Sometimes bad but mostly good, I am only rich in these moments with you, so once again thank you to all of you. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



joue le jeu vaison offs

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