
JJV's Offs

On 05/09/2021 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of "Offs du JJV".

Why do we believe in Vanagloria and decided to give it a chance?

For a year now you can find in our store a card game called Vanagloria ...

In the Dark Sorcerers universe, the first to gain the most Source energy points will rule Vanagloria.

By going through offense, defense, and more to achieve your goal, you can build a strategy from the simplest to the most developed.

Under its discreet looks, Vanagloria allows you to play from two players by creating your own combos ...

Italian author and illustrator Adamo and Stefano offer interesting graphics and adaptable and original game mechanics.

With the same starting deck, you'll have to compose a real strategy to win ;)

And we at Joue le Jeu Vaison, we like it when we start on an equal footing to go even further :)

Good day and good game ;)


joue le jeu vaison offs

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