
JJV's Offs

On 03/07/2022 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

 Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

 PIL or Face?

At one point, two opportunities presented themselves to me: to take up an interesting job in animation or to open a board game store…

Face, animation is a job that is also a passion! 

A job that allowed me to rub shoulders with other great animators with whom I was able to forge solid experience in different types of activities…

Activities that have allowed children from 2 to 85 years old to share moments together, to listen to each other and to marvel.

PIL, Passion + Idea + Local, the perfect combo to turn a passion into a job!

A passion that makes everyday life more fun and friendly. Sharing it with you is just the icing on the cake.

 An idea not only to sell games, but to ensure that the game is a shared moment.

A place that allows you to discover fun nuggets, but a name that is not limited to the local and is also exported to outdoor activities.

PIL or Face, although Face suited me very well too, PIL suited me even better!

PIL allows me to share my playful passion with you all. 

So thank you for being at the playful rendezvous!

Good day and good game ;)


joue le jeu vaison offs

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