
JJV's Offs

On 25/09/2022 0

In JJV's Offs


Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Find your child's soul through board games.

Board games are an interesting hobby for children, but not only…

During my times of animation with retirees, the playful interest is also there.

Not having always had the opportunity to play before or having stopped for a while, they find the pleasure of playing together.

Sharing a moment around a game allows them to discover games unknown to them until then.

Curious and motivated to play, discovering new games does not scare them.

Allowing them to find varied interests is very interesting for us.

Particularly fond of chatting about games, these moments of discovery and sharing allow us a respite in sometimes very full days.

Many have found friends with other players, creating or recreating a bond between them.

Some even confessed to having “rediscovered their child’s soul” by playing during our playtime.

What a pleasure to share his passion with our players, young and old on a daily basis.

Thank you all for sharing the fun adventure with us!

Good day and good game ;)


joue le jeu vaison offs

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