Hello all ! Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Galileo.
“The Sun, with all these planets that orbit under its rule, still takes the time to ripen a cluster of reason as if there was nothing more important. "
He is a forerunner of experimental science and of the obligation to validate a theory by experience.
He notably carried out experiments on gravity from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
But it was in astronomy that he built his fame.
Thanks to the astronomical telescope, Galileo was able to observe the planets.
It is to him that we owe the discovery of the landforms of the Moon, the satellites of Jupiter and the spots of the Sun.
Our Play with thought of the day comes from the movie Man of Steel:
"You will give the people of the earth, an ideal to reach, they will rush on your steps, they will stumble, they will fall, but when the time comes, they will join you in the sun, when the time comes, you will help them to perform miracles . »
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