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Play with thought

On 25/09/2021 0

In Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about the phrase "spit in the soup".

We thus learn that blacksmiths used to leave a well-heated horseshoe in front of their shop, in order to laugh at the grimaces of the naive who tried to steal it.

The story's villain's son, Robin, who is in town with his father, doesn't let him fall into the trap, and spits on the horseshoe to check if it's cold. The saliva is immediately brought to a boil.

Back home, the villain is about to eat a good morterual, a kind of bread soup his wife has made.

He spits in the soup to see if it's too hot, but nothing happens.

He immediately puts a huge spoonful in the oven, and is scalded to the guts.

Hence the phrase "spit in the soup", which indicates overdone and, as here, unnecessary caution.

Good day and good game ;)


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