What is the Golden Ace?


What is the Golden Ace?



Since 1988, at the International Games Festival (IGF) in Cannes in February, a board game released during the year has been awarded the Ace of Gold prize.

A jury of journalists and professionals from the world of board games awards three types of awards at the Cannes IGF:

The Ace of Gold-Game of the Year which rewards a game that is original in its mechanics as well as in its aesthetics. It is attributed to a family game, accessible to the greatest number.

The Golden Ace of the Year "Child" which highlights a game that appeals to the youngest but also appeals to their parents

The "Expert" Gold Ace of the Year which rewards a more complex game, aimed at an "expert" audience who appreciates thinking and isn't afraid to read a few pages of the rules.

Since February 2022, the "Initiated" Golden Ace of the year which rewards a game that is aimed at an audience used to playing, turning to games with more detailed mechanisms. The rules require more attention, the set-up of the game is precise and the games can exceed one hour.

Among the approximately 1,000 games published each year, the Festival jury selects nine games, three in each category, striving to ensure that its selection is accessible to all ages and all tastes.

Quality, creativity, diversity, flawless mechanics and rules are the most important criteria, as well as the pleasure of playing and the desire to play again.

Have a nice day everyone and have a good game;)



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