Perfect shot



The little extra: to your amateur photography devices for animal photo that will make you win!



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perfect shot strategie bluff ambiance Perfect shot stratégie bluff ambiance


In Perfect Shot you will have to take photos of animals to earn the most victory points.

Your turn, either you take an Album card, or you can place an Landscape punch card from your hand onto the Landscape card previous in the game shoe. If an animal appears partially or entirely in the camera lenses on your Landscape card, you can take the corresponding Animal Photo tile(s) and put them in one of your photo albums while respecting the Album constraints – only snow animals For example. 

A complete Album allows you to earn even more points. victory so you have to organize your photos well. And if an animal fits perfectly into your lens, it’s a perfect photo and one more step towards victory!

As for the Yeti, it is so fierce, wild and mysterious that we only see the half on the photos you take. It will take two different halves to prove his existence to the world...and win always more victory points.

Perfect Shot is: Original components: punched cards and deck shoe. A innovative collection mechanism. Fast games in a colorful world full of cute animals


Number of players: 2 to 4

Minimum playing time: 20 minutes Minimum age: 8 years and over

!This game is available in our store in French and English!


Perfect Shot Review: How to take Pictures of Animals

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