
The little extra : Build your own building, but beware of the cats, to gain special powers and points !

Availability: En stock, livraison en 48 à 72h

40,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new

ratapolis rats strategy bluff cooperative ratapolis rats stratégie bluff coopératif

You and your family of rats have been living happily in Ratapolis for some time now. Unfortunately, Balthus and his cats are now coming after you. You will strive to survive and, why not, end up on top of the other families in town.

In Ratapolis, players try to save as many of their own rats as they can and leave them in the best cheese-awarding building tiles at the end of the game.

On a turn, players program two moves, which can be any combination of attacks and/or displacements. They simultaneously reveal their moves and resolve them before the cats randomly invade a building tile, removing said tile and all rats standing there from the game. Some buildings award special powers to the family who controls them.


Number of players: 2 to 6

Minimum game time: 30 to 45 minutes

Minimum age: 10 and +


!This game is only available in French in our store !


Sophie présente Ratapolis

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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)