Shy Monsters



The little extra: the little bluff game where you win either by building your dungeon or by escaping from it!



Availability: En stock, livraison en 48 à 72h

12,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new

bluff monsters shy duo


Shy Monsters (Mutlose Monster) is an asymmetrical bluffing game for two players in which one player builds a dungeon and his opponent tries to escape from it.

The Dungeon Master leads a band of timid monsters.

Be sure to respect their favorite places in the dungeon, otherwise they won't attack the hero.

The Hero must decipher the structure of the dungeon well and use his special actions wisely to get out of it alive. 


Players: 2

Minimum playing time: 10 to 20 minutes

Age: 10 years and over


 !This game is available in our store in French, English, German and Italian!


Shy Monsters — game overview at FIJ 2019 in Cannes

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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)