Witty pong


The little extra: a dynamic and stimulating game of ping pong with the monkeys of the jungle!


Availability: En stock, livraison en 48 à 72h

15,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new

game cards speed witty pong cartes jeu rapidité witty pong


In Witty Pong, the ping pong table is recreated by laying four cards in a 2x2 square, with a ball token being placed on one of the cards.

On their turn, a player turns over a card and places it on one of the three cards not covered by the ball.

Two situations can occur:

 • If the card represents a ball somewhere in the illustration, the player must move the ball token to a new card. If he says something or hesitates too long, he loses one of the three banana tokens he started the game with.

 • If the card does not have a marble on it, the player must say the word “appropriate”, the word being determined by the letters and colors of the three uncovered cards.

The word begins with "P" or "T" depending on which letter is displayed more frequently, and ends with "ong" or "ing" depending on whether more blue or red paddles are displayed.

If he says the wrong word or takes too long, he loses a banana.

 Lose all your bananas and you're out of the game.

The game includes advanced rules that change what to say if the same letter or color is on all three paddles; additional rules allow for competitive play in which players can steal bananas from each other if they say the correct word first. 


Players: 2 to 8

Minimum playing time: 10 minutes

Age: 8 years and up


!This game is available in our store in French, English and German!


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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)