50 clues White Sleep New

The little extra : find your way out with Maria in this 2nd episod !

Availability: En stock, livraison en 48 à 72h

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  • Condition : new

escape white 50 clues sleep escape 50 clues sommeil blanc


Maria is on the run with her son while also preparing for the big showdown. But will she make it? White Sleep is the second episode of the murderous trilogy about Maria.

50 Clues is an immersive puzzle game that offers the experience of an escape room, but in a format that can be played at home. You combine objects, solve puzzles and decipher codes to complete the story. A smartphone or tablet keeps track of the solutions and provides multistep hints if the need arises.


Number of players : 1 to 5

Minimum playing time : 90 minutes

Minimum age : 16 and +


!This game is only available in French in our store !

Francais 4

50 Clues: Pendulum of Death, White Sleep, The Fate of Leopold Board Game – Stella's Short and Sweet

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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)