


The little extra: make your animal appear the most to conquer the savannah!



Availability: En stock, livraison en 48 à 72h

10,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new

cards animals combos kenya savannah cartes animaux combos kenya savane


The day dawns on Kenya. Animals move to waterholes and fresh grass on the plains.

However, everyone dreads the roar of the king of the savannah. It is this Africa, beautiful and wild, that the sun warms. Green and brown cards are shuffled separately.

Each player receives a brown card and three green cards which he keeps in his hand without showing them. The remaining brown cards are put back in the box, without being revealed, and will not be used for the whole game.

A green card is placed face up in the center of the table. It represents the savannah which will expand during the game. Three green cards are placed face up on the edge of the table and form the face up draw pile.

The rest of the green cards are placed face down next to the visible draw pile and form the hidden draw pile. A first player is chosen by the method of your choice.

A green card is said to be placed face up when animals or a water point are visible and said to be placed Baobab face up when it is turned over.

A card is said to be next to another when it touches the latter by one of its four edges (never diagonally).

The objective of each player is that at the end of the game his animal (represented in duplicate on his brown card) is the most numerous in the savannah.

Players take turns clockwise. On his turn, the player performs the following three actions:

- 1. He draws a card from the visible draw pile and adds it to his hand. If the visible draw pile is empty, when the end of the game approaches, he does not draw a card and continues his turn.

- 2. He extends the Savannah by placing a card from his hand (green or brown) on the table next to one of the cards already constituting the savannah.

If he places an Animal card, he immediately performs the action:

- Meerkat: The active player takes a card from the visible draw pile or from the hidden draw pile and adds it to his hand.

- Lion: The Player Animal cards next to the Lion card are turned over to the Baobab side (behind which the frightened animals hide!).

 - Elephant: The Player Animal cards with the Baobab side next to the Elephant card are turned face up (the animals feel reassured by the presence of the elephant and come out of their hiding place!).
- Rhinoceros: One (and only one) Player Animal card next to the Rhinoceros moves one space away from him.

The moved card can only be a player animal card and it can only cover a player animal card or an empty space. The initial slot then becomes empty and can be filled in a future turn.

If he places a Player Animal card, the player must place it face down if he places it directly next to a Lion already placed in the Savannah.

 The player chooses the direction of the card if he places it next to both a Lion and an Elephant. He must place it face up otherwise. No particular action if he places a Water Point card whose effect will apply at the end of the game.

It completes the visible draw pile to 3 cards as long as the hidden draw pile is not empty.

The game ends immediately when the player whose turn it is has no more cards in hand. Each player then counts the number of times his animal is visible in the savannah.

 A Player Animal card can therefore bring 1 point to 2 different players, while a visible brown card brings 2 points to a single player.

Points are doubled for cards next to a water point.

The player with the most points is the winner.

In the event of a tie, the winner is the player who placed his brown card first in the savannah.


Number of players: 2 to 5
Minimum playing time: 15 minutes
Minimum age: 7 years and over

!This game is available in our store in French, English, German, Italian and Dutch!

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The video is available only in French.

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