Mistigri of Oceans



The little extra: beautiful illustrations to raise awareness of the environment.


Availability: En stock, livraison en 48 à 72h

10,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new

environment game oceans mistigri mistigri océan bioviva sensibilisation environnement sensibilization


The ocean mistigri game to raise children's awareness of biodiversity!

Under the ocean, it's fantastic, except when there's plastic...

Make pairs and win the game without having the plastic cup in your hand.

After having shuffled the cards well, all the cards are dealt to the players.

Each player looks at his cards and removes the pairs by placing them in the center.

The first player draws a card from the hand of his left neighbor.

He adds it to his hand and tries to make a pair.

If he can't make a pair, we move on to the next player.

If he can make a pair, then he places the new pair in the middle and rolls the weather dice.

The weather dice:

- the sun: nothing happens

- the sonar: the player who has the pollution card with the photo of the cup must show his cards to the other players.

-the storm with the storm cloud: the player who rolled the dice then draws 2 cards from the hand of one or 2 players of their choice and tries to form pairs.

If he can make pairs, he makes them and then it's the next player's turn.

-the tornado: The tornado upsets everything in its path and each player therefore passes his complete game to his neighbor on the right.

Once all the pairs have been formed, only the pollution card remains in a player's hand.

All players who have no more cards are the winners. 


Players: 2-6

Minimum playing time: 20 minutes

Age: 5 years and up


!This game is available in our store in French, English, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch!

FrancaisAnglaisAllemandEspagnolItalienAutocollant drapeau pays bas


Bioviva Disneynature - Démo Funny Oceans

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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)