Not even afraid



The little extra: a cooperative battle against the dragon!


Availability: En stock, livraison en 48 à 72h

10,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new

cooperative not children even afraid enfants coopératif peur même pas


The hour is serious in the sad kingdom of the good King Dagobert.

A horde of frightening monsters terrorizes the population.

The king immediately summons his knights and organizes a tournament: the heroes who win the battles will be sent to face witches, gargoyles and other giants.

Very few will emerge victorious from these confrontations.

But in case of victory, they will find magic monsters, weapons and armor in the treasury.

They will be very useful to finally defeat the terrible dragon!

The battle adapted to cooperative play If the players don't cooperate, beware of the monsters!

They will probably have the last word!

Here we all win together or we all lose together.

The knights have only one goal: to save the kingdom.

Yet only one of them will know the glory of defeating the dragon...

An adaptation of the famous battle game that will interest the whole family, while learning cooperation, risk management and the use of simple addition. 


Players: 2-4

Minimum playing time: 10 minutes

Age: 6 years and up


!This game is only available in French in our store!


Jeu coopératif "Même pas peur" en 2mn par

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What if the playful adventure started now? In Vaison, we are playing the game! ;)